Melissa Vogt, Christina MacMulligan, and Joanna Wright (The Viper Vixens) posing strangely in front of an Egyptian pyramid with a red sun in the sky. .

Melissa Vogt, Christina MacMulligan, and Joanna Wright as the Viper Vixens


Viper Vixens of 2012 The Apocalypse Never Looked so Good. . .
a Silent B-Movie Spoof with Live Music

Presented by Electronic Planet Ensemble
View photos from the production here.


Join Electronic Planet Ensemble as they tackle every 2012 End of the World theory from Planet X, Planet Nibiru, and the Anunnaki to Mayan Calendars and the rise of Quetzalcoatl.

“We have never seen the likes of the Vagina Deathray or the Spinning Boobies of Death. The Viper Vixens, manipulated by the evil Elsa von Krause, try to take over the planet... giving their all and clothes for the planet. It’s a wild romp of a video with stop motion animation and a bevy of naked beauties. The music of the Electronic Planet Ensemble makes it all come together... it’s a very entertaining time for the audience.” – Larry Oubre, A Team


film stars: Melissa Vogt, Christina MacMulligan, and Joanna Wright as the Viper Vixens. Featuring David Jewell, Heather Barfield, Betsy McCann, Helen Hutka as Kitty Kelly, Matthew Patterson, Gabriel Maldonado, and Andy Agne.

Electronic Planet Ensemble is Sergio R. Samayoa, David Jewell, and Chat Salvata, with Doug Marcis.


Viper Vixens of 2012 story is written by Chad Salvata with Cinematography and Digital Imagery by Sergio R. Samayoa. Lighting Design by Patrick Anthony. Costume Design by Trudy Martinez. Makeup Design by Helen Hutka. Miniatures by Ann Marie Gordon.

Electronic Planet Ensemble is funded and supported in part by the City of Austin through the Cultural Arts Division. Produced in association with VORTEX Repertory Company.